Tuesday, June 11, 2013

What the shamal is going on?!?

To read about Shamals, click here, but basically, it's a sandstorm. Just imagine tornado like winds, kicking up sand and dust. And there is plenty of sand and dust to be kicked up here. I think it's going on about a week now that it's been too windy to go outside. I can't even take Adam to the playground, and y'all know how tragic it is to be cooped up with a very energetic 5 year old!! The past couple of mornings I've taken him to the bus stop and it was nice and breezy, so I thought it was over, but then BAM, it would start back up in the afternoon. I hope there is some nutrition in sand because I've eaten some the past few times I went out. Even if the wind has stopped blowing, the dust lingers, and that's not good for anyone to breathe in on a regular basis. A lot of people walk around with surgical masks on. Outside is not the place to be for severe allergy or asthma sufferers. The wind was so strong that it sent shrubs and satellite dishes flying and uprooted trees! Dusting is one of my least favorite household chores, so it only makes good sense that we move to a place where you have to dust every day. 

We went to Bahrain last weekend.....I'll tell y'all about it soon.

Uh, that ain't our tree!

A tree on our street that was knocked out of the ground by the wind.

Another tree around the corner

I did not take this picture, it's from google. This is a picture someone took while driving through a shamal.

I did not take this picture, it's from google. This is a picture someone took while driving through a shamal.

Random pic of a nice tree-lined street

Another random.....love the swirly trees.

And a really random pic......I found my favorite!!!! But I just can't see myself paying $16 for the small bag. sigh.

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